silent by default by Brynn Dizack he knows.
i hate myself because i
love the way you smell
i always want to ask you
if you cried in the shower lately
because you're right
i don't feel quite so guilty
if more than my cheeks are
and i do it every time
i fall so hard and i
sit in bed at night and think about
what it would be like on t.v.
what music would fade into the backround
when you say that you miss me
i'm a basketcase undone
dropping flowers on the ground behind me
as i tread softly towards and away from you
back and forth
can't find a happy place to be
when i'm with you or
you're with me
because the two are so completely
d i f f e r e n t
but far too much the same
and what i wouldn't give to ask you
who you think invented roses
or who picks the songs
that fade into
the backgrounds
of pivotal scenes
or who writes your script
or who picks your cologne
because i'd really love to
love them.
03/27/2002 Posted on 03/27/2002 Copyright © 2024 Brynn Dizack