
In The Doghouse ( adult ) #9

by Jersey D Gibson

-Setting: Jersey and Matt are in a FedEx van, lumbering down a street in the dark Detroit night. Jersey is trying to rush Matt, whom has been shot, to a friendly hospital.-

JERSEY: Matt! Don't make me get outta this fuckin' driva' seat and wake yer ass up!

-Matt is still passed out, the pool of blood around him somewhat larger. Jersey makes the FedEx barge go faster, running a red light or two. No cops are in sight, and Jersey doesn't slow down.-

-After a minute or two, Jersey comes to a small hospital, one story big, and not very noticable. Jersey double-parks the FedEx van in the handicap zone, and gets out of the barge, and zips into the hospital. Soon, Jersey, a young doctor, and a nurse go to the FedEx van with a strecher. They hoist Matt's limp body onto it, and wheel him back into the hospital, via a side entrance.-

JERSEY: Ya' still owe me, but I'll compensate fer ya' if ya' put this in as a car accident.

DOCTOR: How much compensation?

JERSEY: $5,000.


-The Nurse and Doctor wheel Matt into an operation room, while Jersey had slipped an envelope into the docotr's lab coat with the money in it. The doors close in front of Jersey, and he walks off to a remote part of the hospital, as to not be seen, or recognized.-

-Several hours later, the doctor comes back, and Jersey looks at him.-

DOCTOR: I put him under as a car collision due to high speeds, non-alcohol related. He'll be safe here, but he'll need time to recover.

JERSEY: How long?

DOCTOR: A month, maybe less. The bullet went in and out, but the tissue around it has to be removed, and it needs to abcess in order to do that. He also lost a lot of blood, and he underwent shock, but he looks like he should pull through.

JERSEY: Good. Here's anotha' $3,000 for all yer work. Has there been anyone else comin' in with GSW's?

DOCTOR: One corpse. DOA, but there was a lawyer wanting the body to be treated anyhow. Not only did he have two .45 slugs in his upper chest, it looked like his jaw had been shattered, along with his cheek bone. Also, he left arm was snapped so hard, that the bone was exposed. I wonder who did that?

JERSEY: I don't. Anythin' else?

DOCTOR: No, not as of yet. I'll tell you if anything else pops up with him, or anything else. I do owe you, and big time from last year.

JERSEY: Afta' this, we're even.

DOCTOR: Thanks.

JERSEY: Don't mention it, and thanks ta' ya', too.

-Jersey walks away, and leaves the hospital, taking the slow FedEx van that he moved earlier during Matt's surgery, to an abandoned part of town. He gets a gasgan from the back, and doses the dried pool of blood with gasoline, killing off any way it could be linked to Matt. He then covered every square inch of the van with the flamable liquid. Tossing the quarter-filled can into the back, Jersey pulled out a matchbook out of his pocket. Lighting a match, Jersey flings it into the the van, and it quickly catches on fire, burning brightly. Jersey walks away.-

-Narrative: As John Paul Jones once said when asked ta' quarta' during a losin' naval battle, 'I have not yet begun ta' fight'. Ya' know what? He won that battle, too.-

-To Be Continued-


Posted on 03/25/2002
Copyright © 2025 Jersey D Gibson

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