Forever: Part One by Dana E BrossardA greeting, my name is Vaden Dedrick of the noble house of Redcherry. I am the first-born son of my father, who is the first-born of his. During the course of my life, father has sent me to learn the arts of magic from Professor Silver for the past 10 years. Where I have learned a love the feel and power of magic and have grown interested into the intricate detail of things. When not learning under the watchful eye of the professor, I have taken up training with the staff with my fathers Master-at-Arms, Daywood. My father wishes me to spend more time with my other hobby, jewelry. Someday, I will be the greatest jeweler in the land. But for now, I wish to wield my staff and magic in battle, to test myself and explore the land. I wish to see for myself, that which I read about. So I have sent forth. I will return home in a few years. Oh yes, almost forgot, today is my birthday, I have turned one hundred and thirty two. My father is now glaring at me, for it is not proper to write like this. I will work on being more artistic.
Vaden Dedrick
House of Redcherry 03/19/2002 Posted on 03/19/2002 Copyright © 2025 Dana E Brossard