Unending: Part Four by Dana E BrossardIn a blink of an eye, Ron, greatest telepath to ever exist, now sat upon his throne.
He sent thoughts racing, his mind reaching out and touching the mind of all his Tower Keepers.
'Move all towers into position. Prepare to open a Temporal Gate to the year zero one. Recall everyone. All telepathic warriors; heavy guard perimeter. All others; prepare to power the gate.'
Looking outward from his inner mind, he watched everything go smoothly, and watched an unstopped hoard move toward the first wizards islands...
The Druid council gathered around a small campfire deep in the wood. Three hours they waited, then the Master stepped from the flames. All went silent, no sound of man nor beast, even the fire ceased to move. A slight wind began to emanate from the Master, to carry his word.
'The First Wizard of Pelsar has fallen. And an unstoppable hoard makes it way towards us. The end is near. But, before passing, we must make certain that others live. A break in time is forming, a break through which life will stand a chance.'
They knew his meaning, and Father watched as the trees of the world pulled themselves forth, and moved around the empire of the mind, forming the world's most powerful barrier. And life moved in, above and below, to be the teeth and claws of this stronghold...
The desert welcomed him, heat beat down upon his skin and he knelt to kiss the sand.
'Nor, can you send my word to our people?'
The desert wind seemed to whisper happy thoughts unto him. He smiled softly.
'Thank you. Brothers, Sisters, the world is about to die. It will die because of a force of darkness and ice. I will not tolerate such heathens to destroy my home. I call to you to raise arms against this force. For we are strong and we are many. I call you from the desert tribes, from the cities of glass and the ancient sandstone palaces. Come forth from the depths of the desert, and let us do battle.'
The people of the desert grabbed spear and sword, and a began to run to the northwest. The magic city of Trogan lifted itself from the desert bottom and raced the wind. Golems of sand and stone sprung to life even as the wyrms began to move. The speaker of Nor has spoken, thus it shall be done...
Father sat in his eternal home, recording the passing of time. Watching all this, and more. He watched as Ron greeted the champions and sent them through the gate before shutting it. Even Father almost missed it. Almost. A splinter of darkness, virtually undetectable was it's presence, that slipped into the gate first.... 03/19/2002 Posted on 03/19/2002 Copyright © 2025 Dana E Brossard