Unending: Five: Prologue by Dana E BrossardImagine this, if you can. A time before gods, before war and strife. A time of unknown and adventure. The elves have just discovered a new continent, a place almost completely unexplored. They have brought with them knowledge of weaponry and armor too share with their short eared brothers. The humans, having survived off the land for centuries have now run across strange pointed ear humans who have brought them the passion of Exploration. The humans and elves, working together have founded Vetigal, a trade town on the outskirts of the known world. Together, they will fight against green skinned aggressors, explore ancient ruins of a short stocky extinct race, and battle side by side against the vile Drow.
A year has past. Vetigal is a trade town on the grow, it has attracted adventurers from across the known world. There are those who wield the awesome powers of magic, those who can heal by drawing upon inner power, and those so dedicated to their cause that they acquire strange powers. They continue to push into the unknown and war against both the Drow and Green skins. However, they are about to come across something horrible. Something that will cause the elves to flee in terror and most the continent to evacuate to the Tri-Islands. An event so horrible, that even time chooses not to record it..... 03/12/2002 Posted on 03/12/2002 Copyright © 2025 Dana E Brossard