Unending: Three: His Name by Dana E BrossardIn the not too distant past,
Lived a man of extraordinary powers.
It is said that he could shape the very world around him.
His word was law,
And his power was unchallenged.
The flow of time around this man,
Was almost non-existent,
And his life spanned Millennia.
Like most great men, he was very ambitious.
He forged an empire,
Consisting of the most powerful men alive.
This empire spread the length and width of time,
bringing him power at a horrendous rate.
His thirst for power grew daily,
Forever changing him from the kind man he once was,
Into a creature of destruction.
Entire civilizations crumbled at his whim,
Powerful Lords destroyed with but a wave of a hand.
Chosen of the Gods mounted an expedition against him,
They were not but ants to him.
Demons from the Endless Pits,
And even the gods themselves were fearful.
Fear had a name,
And his name was RON
03/05/2002 Posted on 03/05/2002 Copyright © 2025 Dana E Brossard