
Loneliness (2)

by Lori I Wolfe

We stood, still not saying a word, and walked hand in hand to the dance floor. In the center of the floor you turned, hesitating to look into my pools of emerald. Your arms slowly swept me up, incasing me into a place of mystery. Drift and Die played its melody surrounding us in its heart beat. My head fit inside your cradling left shoulder as I buried my face into your neck. I could smell your scent, a scent I have always known. You began rocking us inside the vibrations that drew us in. My heart began beating in rhythm of the music making the three of us one with one another. My arms held you close to me as my finger tips slide through your hair just above your neck. I could feel the flesh come alive with my feather light touch. The rhythm of your breath warmed the skin on my neck. I could feel myself sigh inside, I have finally found my way home. As if you could read my thoughts you squeezed me closer, as if trying to weld us into one entity. As the words from the man, who stood upon the stage and sang just for the two of us, began to drift in through our souls, we realized just how empty our lives where. My heart cracked, opening just enough to let your soul slip through the sliver of a doorway. My heart began to heat into amber shining itself like a beacon to my soul, pulling it into the doorway to a rebirth with yours. A river flowed from emeralds slipping its way down your flesh. Your arms slithered around me like a serpent gathering up his gift. You held my head in the palm of your hand tipping it back so you could reach into my soul through the iris. Ever so loving your lips sealed mine to give me your breath of life. The overwhelming rush of existence flood me like a title wave, drowning me in your sea of time. A time and place to begin a new world.... The music ended but not for the new rebirth of life and a world of wanting to exist ...


Posted on 02/24/2002
Copyright © 2024 Lori I Wolfe

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