Another Cycle by Amanda J CobbYet another cycle All cycles, always Self returning upon self in an unseen order of things, the spinning snake ever biting the tail.
The gilt, the red, the guilt, and the dead. They are the ant and the mushroom the mountain air and the blue whale Strands woven in that ever repeating tapestry, bone to dust to grass to feed. The cruel Red Tide and the circling planets, the day, the ages. Mirror images of a permanent past, countless unchanging futures. A spiderweb with no center a bottomless net a tunnel whose left is also its right and start is its finish. Nowhere to get to or get from. No destination in that neverending circle, no purpose.
Ever the spirit flame speaks of the lips of death from which it cannot rest Never done I but complete yet another cycle. 02/21/2002 Posted on 09/19/2002 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb