
Land Star

by Lori I Wolfe

The little stone cottage sat upon the hill
beside it rose a tower tall and bright
it is there to guide the sails
the seekers in the night
Bound on a voyage, a new land they seek
the light keeps them safe
from being swollowed by the sea
They call it their beacon
Land Star for the blind
It guides its children
with it's firey shine
Inside the cottage a warm fire glows
an old man sits by the flames
rocking a dead crow
He prays against the bad omen
that once flew through the sky
hoping for mercy from the storm
he prays for the light to keep them safe and warm
Deep in his soul he can see what's to come
the sea serpents are dancing
they're just wanting to have fun
The stars begin fading under the clouds
the dragons rise above the surface
and begin to roar out loud
Waves crash against the earth
from the battle of the sea
sending the ocean in waves of fury
making it hard for the sailors to see
The ship, MaryAnn was her name
she fought the winds with her wings
on the waters she tried to tame
She road the sea serpents hard in the night
she fought the Devils, keeping the land star in sight
But the sea pushed hard upon the ship
pushing her closer and closer to the edge of the earth
Twisting and swaying it began to tip
The cries of the men were drown by the thunder
A title-wave rose up and swept them under
Lightning flashed from the dragons breath
as the seamen were swollowed in their watery death
Slowly the storm died out
as the serpents went to bed
The old man cried softly
as he hung his head
Now he prays for the souls
of all those who are dead ...


Posted on 02/16/2002
Copyright © 2024 Lori I Wolfe

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