
Dear God, I'm Wrong

by Jersey D Gibson

Deny the truth,
deny the proof,
deny what's in front of you.

It isn't there,
it isn't fair,
but what can you really do?

I look around,
nothing I found,
a silly notion that was in my head.

It is you, I see,
please comfort me,
as I now lay upon my death bed.

Dear God, I'm wrong,
for the things I've done,
and I've come to say I'm sorry.

He looks with a smile,
and says 'come stay a while',
and I have nothing more to worry.


Author's Note: I was in a minor slump when I wrote this, along with two other poems. This was the better of the three. The thing I like most abouit this poem is the fact that, while the person here who accepts God, didn't do it blindly. And, no, this person wasn't me.

Posted on 02/12/2002
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Courtney B Chiles on 03/31/03 at 05:02 PM

Outstanding poem. You really captured what so many people do not want to hear, but realize what they should have realized all along.

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