and all stations to Manchester Victoria by Anne Howe
Tainted black, yellow summer morning Rapeseed fields and quills of porcupine St Paul's steeple, hassocks, cassocks, old hymn books Incense and musky smells all intertwine.
Green and red house boats and barges heaped full of coal Cheerily chugging 'neath cumulus clouds Ropes carve out signatures in sandstone bridges All along the tow path of the Leeds- Liverpool Canal
Hammers in the foundries tapping out a descant To cotton loom melodies and weaving shed choirs Bleach works spitting out their chlorinated effluent Stokers of furnaces feeding up the fires
Tainted black, yellow summer morning Charmingly squinting sideways on life Rolling on forward, like the 8.12 to Manchester Duchess of Rutland of the Coronation Class
02/02/2002 Author's Note: 1. (for non (UK) trainspotters) ...steam locomotives were grouped into 'classes'...and also given names....the Duchess of Rutland belonged to the "Coronation" class) 2. A horse could pull a barge with a load of 50 tons
Posted on 02/02/2002 Copyright © 2025 Anne Howe