
Much Ado About (Censored)

by Jersey D Gibson

Don't you just love how we piss on our freedoms today?

Before the Scopes Monkey trial, we learned about God in school. Now, we don't pray to anybody, and no worship at school grounds can be during school times, or be led by a teacher.

Sorry, God, you can't come in.

And, of course, we can't TALK about God, either. We offend others when we discuss relgion. We can talk about being Muslim, or a Nazi, or being an athist, but not about God. Civil rights do not include majorities, apparently.

Sorry, God, you're not aloud to be discussed.

So the freedom of speech, and the freedom of religion only works when it doesn't offend, or is not agreed by a minority.

The freedom of press seems to be under attack as well. We can't write about just any old anything, anymore. It's edited for mass consuption, for higher uppers think that people won't like it, its not used. Remember, Copernicus thinking the sun was the middle of the solar system wasn't popular opnion either. And we can't write about 12-year old wizards.

When we get to the freedom of assembly, please notify me.

To think, I was raised a Unitarian Universalist as well.


Posted on 01/28/2002
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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