tonight is a night for an epiphany by Gary Hoffmanntonight is a night for an epiphany
tonight I seek that second of perfection
that infinitessimal moment of clarity
I need to talk to someone I've never met before
and change their life
I need to write the best peom I've ever written
and then burn it
I need to see some place I've never seen before
and then forget where it is
tonight is a night to dance
to laugh, to scream, to sing
to feel
ah! to feel the warmth of another
human being as we grind blindly
dancing and capering like modern day quakers
we two millstones of ecstatic life
limping madly about in the darkness
in joyous drunken celebration of night
a night where the stars
are not guiding my way
are withholding their mysteries for someone more worthy
are blind to my search and
uncaring of my lost existence
a night to drink far too much coffee
in the vain hope of inducing creativity
01/24/2002 Posted on 01/24/2002 Copyright © 2025 Gary Hoffmann