
Little Ronny

by Lori I Wolfe

Little Ronny

Little Ronny lived on a farm

He guarded the pigs fully armed

With sling-shot in hand

He patrolled the land

Keeping the them from harm


Well Mama watched from the kitchen

As he shot himself a chicken

Well she was horrified

As he stood glorified

“Well he will think twice when his father gives him a lickin’”


So she stepped out the back door

And armed herself for war

She grabbed the garden hose

And nailed him on the nose

“Now put down your weapon or get more!”


Well Little Ronny was stunned

From what his Mama had done

Then with a grin

He yelled “You’ll never win!”

As he reloaded his squirt gun


Now Dad pulled up in his truck

He stepped out and was hit with bad luck

For he got a mud-pie

Straight in the eye

Followed by Mama screaming “DUCK!”


So it was now the family feud

The whole muddy crew

Ronny behind the barn

Mama running from the farm

And Dad ... no body knew


Well Dad snuck up on the side

Where Little Ronny ran to hide

Shoving him down

Face first on the ground

“Mama started it!” Ronny cried


So he got up and looked for his wife

Who he found holding a butcher knife

Well fun is fun

But seems Mama had won

As father and son ran for their life



Posted on 01/24/2002
Copyright © 2024 Lori I Wolfe

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