Dear Friend by Richard VinceDear friend,
I'm scared.
In this world of ours I feel lost
And I don't know where to turn...
Except to you.
Even though we don't know each other well,
I love you with all my heart and soul.
Just felt like writing it down
Because I'm too afraid to tell you.
I am afraid to lose you
And to hurt you
Like I have hurt so many I love before.
We are so close;
At least, I think we are.
Do you feel that too?
We've known one another such a short time,
But for all of that I have loved you...
With a love that true friendship is made of.
What I am really scared of,
The thing that never leaves my thoughts,
Is the fear that I love you too much.
If I do, I will only break your heart,
Shatter your soul.
And that is something I never want to do.
So, dear friend,
Just know that I love you,
And that I care about you,
And that I am your friend.
Love, light and peace,
Your friend always. 11/05/2000 Posted on 01/21/2002 Copyright © 2025 Richard Vince