child of the pure unclouded brow by Ronald A PavellasI read and ponder once again The wisdom of a favorite sage And realize that on this page Are thoughts and visions of my youth
What happened to the "I" who sits Some fifty-odd years now beyond The boy who really sensed and knew The universe and Nature True?
The obfuscations were built up By straying from the purity Of innocent acceptance of Direct experience of Now
The seven sins, the Sirens' songs Encaptured then enfeebled me And now that I can set them by I happily regain the mien...
...Of Lewis Carroll's favorite: "... child of the pure unclouded brow"
----------------------------------- 3 July 1998 Los Gatos, California NB1: The "favorite sage, in this case, is Alan Watts. The book: "Nature, Man and Woman." NB2: The quotation is remembered from a circa 1947 reading of the dedication by Lewis Carroll to his "Alice in Wonderland": "O child of the pure unclouded brow." I did not then understand what it meant -- I thought it might be a joke that I didn't understand due to my youthful ignorance. I remember this quite clearly.
07/03/1998 Posted on 01/03/2002 Copyright © 2025 Ronald A Pavellas