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by Leandra K Brossard

Hmm... Hm?
Ponder ponder ponder...
nah.. my brain's all going foggy on me..
I'm not coming up with interesting topics anymore,
and I'm starting to lose the battle against un-consciousness..

(The yawns are falling closer and closer together.. :) )

And my eyes are beginnning to glaze... :)
So the email dwindles toward the end...
it opens my ears to the strings of the soul,
but dampens mortal sound..
My head the repercussions of the choices I have made,
and the sounds of such rebound within my mind...
The air around my head slows and my reaction falls to naught,
I feel the resistance of the air around me..

I push my way against the membrane
which became my world..
Confused by the barrier's strength
I blanch..
I whirl about to test the other boundaries
and find them constrict upon my consciousness..

The Darkness spirals in and I am helpless against it,
swirling into my vision and masking it,
draining away my will to hold to waking..

Weary, I relent,
and feel myself subside
as it is swirled away beneath me..
And thus I fall to slumber,
and sleep...

Leandra ;)
She who Drowses Contentedly


Posted on 01/03/2002
Copyright © 2025 Leandra K Brossard

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