

by Bethany Lee

murdered. Like an old lady
walking on the wrong sidewalk.
A shadow follows her.
She clutches her purse,
but it gets ripped from her frail hands.
The sound explodes and shatters her skull.
Crooked little spiderwebs.

raped. Like a schoolgirl
wearing her blue and yellow uniform.
She clutches her legs closed,
calling for mom and dad.
Tears staining her dirty face,
falling to the ground-
taking her safety.
Slammed against the wall; unconscious.
Her legs were forced to spread.
Her plaid uniform is torn.

suffocated. Like a baby
by the man who refuses
to let the mother keep her child.
Gagging. Girgling.
There's no breath left.
The heart ceases its life.
Blue and stiff, it is thrown away.
"Its life just would've been shit" He says.
Mother cries on the pavement
On her knees
next to the dumpster.

abused. by a drunken bastard
coming home after a good fuck.
Breaking the last lamp in the living room
at 3:08 in the morning.
He goes upstairs to the bedroom.
His wife laying soundlessly.
Waking up late from the fight
that lasted all last night.
No birds singing this morning.
She leans over the bathroom toilet
and throws up blood.

Forced to runaway
like the child
being touched by his uncle.
like a prisoner sentenced wrongfully.

You've done this all to me
in my life of hell.

Now I'm in heaven
with his hands in places
you shouldn't have tortured.
And I've given it all to him.

You broke my fragile fingers.
You tore off my plaid skirt.
You held my head under the water.
You shoved your dick inside me
then cursed at me the next day.
You put my face on a milk carton
and pretended to cry.

I'm never coming back again.
I have a new name; another home.
You never should've killed my mother.


Posted on 12/27/2001
Copyright © 2024 Bethany Lee

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