dry by Indigo TempestaFor thirst I hope to drown you in myself
for thirst you will, you are dust.
Bones, bone marrow,
a taste like mushrooms
you feast hourly upon all the old ghosts
you feed on my head
you are like Bishop who once we raped
once we dismembered.
In my head you are sour in my mouth,
but you are kind. In life,
all the time you are acid fog
still eating my brain
still gnawing on my bones
until you can be drowned.
You were once my grace
and cold was no object for once
and once I thought I was saved
but I realized at once
there was no providence
no grace no saving
only youth and we are it
we are death and you are cruel we
locked me in the tower, I ate my childrens' flesh
now eat my brain, drink of my dry blood 12/14/2001 Posted on 12/14/2001 Copyright © 2025 Indigo Tempesta