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Abstract Humanity

by D. Xavier Bari

This world is cold
Remote and listless
The subtle flecks of existence
Lost in space and distance

And yet the gathering
Happens day and night
Or maybe night and day
Depending on geography

Pop-up windows and usernames
Take the place of doors and waves
Conversations ready made
Scrolling up and down the page

The thread you see means nothing
Whatever is said means nothing
Whoever is there means nothing
Yet we'll say these things have meaning

The dance is always out of sync
Since no one knows the steps
Yet it all seems to have rhythm
Because here we all look the same

The chatroom waltz of anonymity
The line dance of creativity
The freedom to be who we wish to be
But we're surely missing something

My kingdom for an awkward pause
Broken by a sideways glance
And a sudden nervous giggle
When did chemistry involve QWERTY?

This world had pushed us to the brink
When this is the place we'd rather be
Did you come out here though boredom
Or hoping you'd find me (waiting)?

I can offer you instant validation
I can provide you with reassurance
I can agree with everything you say
Because out here it's easier that way

So alone we'll seek out anything
How do we maintain our humanity
When colons and parentheses
Pass for smiles?


Posted on 12/02/2001
Copyright © 2025 D. Xavier Bari

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