Rebuilding the Gods by D. Xavier BariIn a roar of flames
and charging smoke
they were gone.
And with them went
the illusions
of yesteryear
and the day before.
In their place
lay the rubble
of thousands of
scattered dreams
reduced to ash.
Illusions crushed--
ground into fear.
Soon the world heard,
of tragic consequence,
fear spread in waves like
silence of voices hushed.
Heated whispers arose.
The world trembled
at what the mighty would
do to those who had
defiled their temples.
The inhabitants of Olympus
were sent into panic
when the sky fell down
as Atlas dissappeared.
Mountains laid low,
the mighty sought answers,
called out to their God
to seek out solace.
Who had done this?
What really happened?
Where could they go?
When would it end?
Why did this happen?
If God truly
could God
have watched
what happened
and done nothing?
The gods of man
and of peace
and illusion
had abandoned us.
The God of man
did not answer,
but people stood to
answer this challenge.
Men rushed into the chaos
to save whom they could.
Politicians spoke up
to reassure the masses.
Soldiers made ready
for righteous might.
Nations awoke and swore
to stand by the mighty.
While the sun set
on a changed world...
only to shine again
bringing light,
eternal warmth,
and a promise.
One day
two pillars
would rise
two pillars
once stood.
And the people
that live
in their shadows
will feel safe
and the skies
will be clear
and the floodlights
will be gone
and the world
will rejoice
and the gods
will return. 10/04/2001 Posted on 12/01/2001 Copyright © 2025 D. Xavier Bari
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Amanda J Cobb on 09/06/03 at 04:55 AM Hmm....not sure if I'm reading this right, but seems to be about the whole September 11th bit (2 pillars allusion and all). In which case, unless this poem is meant to be taken as sarcasm, I would hardly call them gods. But that's just my politics speaking. As a poem, this is very well written, flows well and word choice is good. Good work. :) |