cynical lunacy by Rachelle Howe- an improv, Sep. 01 -
downfalls, damn them.
for like tidal waves, [overtaking small
fishing boats
out in the middle of the
gulf], one will destroy a (suppsedly)
sturdy platform from which
humans so stupidly stand...
with each inch of pressure
i fell prey to the mouse (not the cat) and
am swept under, beneath beguiling eyes.
easier said, mr. Rabbit
for as i plummet into the black hole,
i realize that i am
(without a doubt)
as he feared:
i guess god will have to wait
with the rest of them
god will have to wait
on a girl who's been
(landing flat on her back)
by nothing more than
nothing less than
i was bullied into submission
by something so simple
as a smile and a premature baptism
while reflecting on the
tooty-grinned baptist preacher
who dunked me under the water
(only to "raised me from the dead,")
i couldn't help but
decide that this had to be
what Alice felt like
(during her fall from grace)
while swimming upstream
in the the muck and tether
of her supposed lunacy
11/25/2001 Posted on 11/25/2001 Copyright © 2024 Rachelle Howe