
Face the Music

by Rhodora M Fitzgerald

Grandfather always said to me...
"My son, you must not be
afraid to brave the truth.
And you must not seclude yourself
behind the harbor of your youth.
Sometimes, in life, you need to
stand tall and push aside your fears.
There comes a time in life, my son,
when you need to face the music...
So, hold your chin up high
and wipe away those tears."

He'd firmly say, when I'd done wrong...
"My son, I know you want to hide away,
concealing your transgressions.
I know your fears are great,
and it's tough to make confessions.
But, there comes a time in life, my son,
when you need to face the music...
And one day you will merit this;
the richest of lifes lessons."

The inescapable day then came
when grandfather lay dying in his bed,
with sweat upon his troubled brow...
and anxious thoughts inside his head.

Tenderly, I said to him...
"Grandfather, you must not be
afraid to brave the truth.
In all our years, I learned from you
the importance of being honest,
with myself and others too,
and that self-respect comes
from being truthful in everything I do.
So, hold your chin up high
and push aside your fears...
There comes a time in death, granddad,
when you need to face the music...
So, go... when you are ready
and let me wipe away your tears."

I said to him...
"Go and join the choir
and hear the heavenly song.
It's time that you retire
for your days have been so long."
And then he faintly smiled...
as he freed his final breath,
and I firmly held his hand
as he surrendered to his death.
And though I couldn't hear
the heavenly acoustics...
with certainty I knew,
that he had ultimately faced
the most peaceful kind of music.


Posted on 11/20/2001
Copyright © 2024 Rhodora M Fitzgerald

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