BUYING OR SELLING? by Manas MokshaSeeing what we want to see
The dance we dance
the same old thang
we know no other
Hearing what we want to hear
The song we sing
Fear and greed is what we brood
They always seem to prevail
The angry mob that goads
our will--
The desire to be heard
Sadness in forgotten originality
Suppression of our greatness
The power of one--
The individual
The originator
A beginning of tomorrow
The end of yesterday
Why waste opacity
A silent sigh of opportunity
The cadence of orange sunlight
treading slow over colored sand
Darkness blankets the common thread
the fear of change
A necessary income for consternation
A dry economy of dreamscape
of unwarranted laughter
soul-biting passion
asking for more 10/30/2001 Posted on 10/30/2001 Copyright © 2025 Manas Moksha