
A Mouse's Tale

by Mary Ellen Smith

Not a crumb or morsel there
In the cupboard that was bare.
The little mouse cold and afraid
Went over again the plan he'd made.

The cat was near the mouse could tell
From the distinct cat like smell.
He trembled so his teeth ch-chattered
Staying hidden was all that mattered.

If he could run across the house
Across the floor like a brave mouse,
Pretending it was just a race
Without a cat there to give chase.

Carefully he could tiptoe out
Looking for the kitchen route.
There he'd find something to eat
Someplace warm to warm his feet.

He peeked a peek, he took a look.
The cat was there reading a book.
Gathering all his little mouse might
He took a step into the night.

It started as a little wease.
A little tickle, a little sneeze.
Once started all that he could do
was "Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah CHOO!"

One "Ah CHOO"! Then two then three,
The cat looked up so he could see.
The little mouse stood there in fright
The cat just grinned, "Gezuntite!"


Posted on 10/30/2001
Copyright © 2024 Mary Ellen Smith

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 01/29/11 at 01:26 AM

Your story poems are so much fun!

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