and then you just run by Gary Hoffmannand then you just run
as the wind beats against your body
trying to drive you into the ground
and the rain attempts with all sincerity
to freeze your soul
and despite this you sweat
salt dripping down your face
and into your tired
your lungs burn with the fires of a thousand Hells
filled with the cold night air
and your own apathy
your heart screams in agony
as though its lover had just died
your legs become weightless
and as heavy as a hundred mountains
and you still run
you run until you choke
on your own vomit
and your lungs fill
with your own blood
and then you still keep running
faster than demons can torment
faster than angels can fly
faster than God can forgive
until the world is gone
left far behind
and your spirit free 10/18/2001 Posted on 10/18/2001 Copyright © 2025 Gary Hoffmann