
Afternoon Haze

by Richard Vince

Beyond the rocks,
Beyond the crumpled tin foil,
Beyond the waves...
Maybe it's a mirage
Or maybe there is land there,
Just on the edge of sight,
Shrouded in afternoon haze,
Almost indistinguishable from the sky.

But I know you live a hundred times
Over the horizon,
A third of the world from me.
And if you look to the ocean
You'll be looking away from me anyway.

Now, though, you'll be sitting behind your desk
If you've arrived at work yet.
While I sit on my bench,
Gazing out to sea and writing,
You've got more important things to think about
Than me.

The land has disappeared now
If it was there at all.

I'd like to think I could see you from here,
But I know that's not possible.
So I'll get up and walk away now.
And I'll see you in my mind's eye
Just like always.

I'll imagine the smile on your face
When I really can see you
And put my arms around you
And say what I've wanted to say
For a long time now.


Posted on 10/06/2001
Copyright © 2024 Richard Vince

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