
The Grandma Suit

by Mary Ellen Smith

The Grandma Suit is cozy
With room for extra care.
And yes, it is a little wrinkled
With gray or graying hair.

It's not a suit you go and buy.
Doesn't come "one size fits all"
And you won't find it at the store
Or hanging at the mall.

The Grandma suit is skinny
It's fluffy, tall or short.
And it's made just right for hugging
And games of every sort.

The Grandma Suit is softest
And its a perfect fit.
For lullabies and stories
Whenever Grandma sits.

So wash and wear that Grandma suit
In chocolate chips and love
And know that every grandchild is
A gift from God above.


Posted on 10/06/2001
Copyright © 2024 Mary Ellen Smith

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