She Doesn't Need Diamonds by Amanda J CobbShe doesn't need diamonds to make her rich -
all she needs are the stars in the sky.
She doesn't need crystal to make her shine -
make her laugh and it's in her eyes.
She doesn't need pearls, pure as your love,
to prove what she already knows.
She doesn't need rubies to line her throat -
more grace in a single red rose.
She doesn't need gold to flash in the sun -
enough gold in soft candlelight.
She doesn't need silver to shine in the dark,
preferring the glow of moonlight.
She doesn't need riches abounding
to build you up in her heart.
She needs only return of the love
that she's given you from the start. 10/02/2001 Posted on 10/02/2001 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Quinlan L Gibson on 09/25/03 at 08:59 PM this could be a page right out of my life's script. I've never identified with another's work more than this...thank you for putting this feeling together so beautifully. |