
Ever Last, part I

by Richard Vince

My love...
Where are you?
I miss you.
I didn't leave forever...
See, I'm here now.
But you're not.

It's weird, sitting alone on this sofa
After the hours we spent on it,
Talking, or watching TV,
Or just being together.

I remember the way you'd turn your head
To look at the sky outside the window.
That special smile you saved for the sunset...
I could gaze at it for days.
The Sun is setting now.
I could gaze at it for days...
But it'll be gone soon.

I suppose the Sun will be rising again soon.
You never saw a sunrise...
It was too early for you, you said.
I've only ever seen one once before.
That was the day you walked through that door
And gave me light for the first time.

You couldn't have been too early for me if you tried.
Until now.

Talking of which...
The leaves are turning red already.
Then they'll turn brown...
And fall.
And leave bare trees, defenceless against the frost.

But this year, it won't be your feet
Crunching in the carpet of leaves.

I wonder how long this autumn will last?
You always wanted it to go on forever.
Maybe this one will.


Posted on 10/01/2001
Copyright © 2024 Richard Vince

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