He Who Waits by Dana E Brossard-He Who Waits Behind-
to gather his flock,
shall wait too long,
for the one he missed.
And thus...
-Becomes Lost To Shadows-
his path no longer seen,
to scramble in fear,
Only to find himself.
And thus...
-Master of Fates-
for himself doth he find,
all truths laid bear,
for the secrets within.
And thus...
-Leader of Hordes-
the path is found,
the flock in gathered,
the search for the lost.
And thus...
-Overlord of the Underworld-
as all tools are used,
dark and bright, good and evil,
truth being the sole guide.
For the one he missed. 10/01/2001 Posted on 10/01/2001 Copyright © 2025 Dana E Brossard