When the Wind Fails by Scott M PratchnerLong ago, Wind spoke to me
As you walked by
She spoke of things to come
Of what must be done
But mighty as Wind is
Her subtle messages blew away
And Wind, she failed to reach me
Then the Train called out to me
As together
We walked his tracks
A distant rumble far away
I could feel it pulse through me
But I didn't catch it
And the Train, he failed to reach me
Soon the Stars called down to me
As clear as day
Like twins of light
Streaked and pointed
To what was right
But not clear enough
And the Stars, they failed to reach me
Then you, my dear, spoke to me
Of simple truths
With Wind in your breath
With the Train in your heart
With Stars in your eyes
And I listened
And my heart came to life
And you, alone, have reached me 09/25/2001 Posted on 09/25/2001 Copyright © 2025 Scott M Pratchner