No, I'm Not a Paper Doll by Leandra K BrossardYou may think my life is perfect,
That I'm a perfect paper doll,
That I handle stress with ease,
that I can cope with it all.
You think you are observant,
That you have caught it all,
I've quite a surprise for you...
(you've been looking at a WALL.)
Oh no, I cannot let you in,
You'd undermine all my defense.
It'd hurt me worse than you could soothe,
No no. I need another fence.
No no, please, just go away,
I cannot bear to look at you,
It would be ease itself to let you in,
Maybe, just to be with you..
But No! What am I saying?
I'll do nothing of the sort!
But oh, just once, to trust another..
I wish I knew how we could part.
I don't know, it's so hard for me,
Sometimes I cry myself to sleep,
How I need a friend to come,
If just to hold me when I weep.
The sorrow which I knew before,
Has, just this day, been surpassed,
When I saw you at the door,
and knew you as my soul at last..
11/29/1999 Posted on 09/25/2001 Copyright © 2025 Leandra K Brossard