Discourse on Waiting by Leandra K BrossardSitting here I wait.
My blood pumps slowly through me.
This air is far to cold for me,
I do not wish to breathe it.
And yet I must endure here if I wish to succeed.
Waiting is a boon most do not recognize.
It gives one time to think, to analyze ones thoughts.
Most however sit and fray their nerves away instead.
When else can you examine your inner self?
When youre tied up with work or sleep or family?
How can you think rationally if your mind is occupied with something else?
No, people today do not understand the merits of waiting.
People stress too much, they never learn to listen to their bodies.
They do not understand the way their body speaks to them.
Me? I listen, I hear my blood, my breath,
I feel my tendons and joints respond,
I feel my muscles, relaxed in anticipation,
I feel a pain in the pit of my abdomen.
I listen and hear the rustle Ive been waiting for,
I slowly turn and sight my opponent
I feel another stab of pain as I pull the trigger.
God I hate this time of the month.
09/25/2001 Posted on 09/25/2001 Copyright © 2025 Leandra K Brossard