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A Bardic Ballad

by Leandra K Brossard

I’ve traveled long miles and I’ve wandered along.
I’ve crossed over countrysides, all for a song.
Only to find that my talent is gone
Or that all o’ my audience now want no song.

I seek me a life and I seek me a way,
I’ve traveled all week and I’ll travel today.
If it means that I find me a warm place to stay
I’ll sing ye a song t’ take yer breath away.

I’ve traveled through heartbreak , I’ve traveled through fear,
I’ve come from a long way and now I am here.
Fought many a ba’tle, n’ sent fine men t’ die
An’ always a strong brew right here at my side.

One day while a’ fightin’ a new thought struck me,
It hurt some, as it had stuck tight in my knee,
If I carry a tankard to bear me my mead,
Why should any o’ these fellers fight me?

“Must we have all o’ this madness?” I think
“This fightin’ and dyin’ an’ no one t’ drink?”
Then clear as a bell I heard one laddie scream
“When all of em’s dead all the liquor’s for me!”

I sought me a life and I looked for a way,
Lo’ and behold I was startled to say
That all o’ me life I had been loathe to say
My talent was still in the songs of my day.

I’ve suffered through miles and I’ve lived me a creed,
An’ all my life I’ve wished only to be free,
To love this here life and to drink this fine mead,
Some love and some liquor is all that I need.


Posted on 09/25/2001
Copyright © 2025 Leandra K Brossard

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