

by Amanda J Cobb

Come join our new utopian society -
the only place that truly promotes individuality.

You can wear what you want to wear...

    Well, no, not that, it shows too much skin.
    No, not that one either, it's not brand name,
    We do have some standards.
    Here...just wear this -
    you'll blend in more.

Yes, you can dye your hair if you want...
    (just make sure it's a normal color,
    not too outrageous -
    bosses are somewhat picky
    and you could get fired).

Sure, you can have piercings and tattoos...
    (but don't be surprised if people snub you,
    or you're watched a little more closely
    when you go shopping).

Of course you can be creative and artistic...
    (but don't expect to be acknowledged for talent
    if any of your artwork offends,
    no matter what they sell for after your death).

You will always be in control of your life here...
    just meet the requirements,
    meekly accept the restrictions,
    and conform to the majority.

Come for a visit,
you'll see just how great we are!
And always remember that you're unique -
just like everyone else!


Posted on 09/20/2002
Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Rachelle Howe on 07/12/11 at 07:30 PM

Haha! Touche! I need to reread to get the full impact aesthetically. On a personal note, it made me laugh out loud. Literally. I am chuckling in a coffee shop.

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