
Sun and Moon

by Amanda J Cobb

Like sun and moon,
they inhabit different parts of my life,
unaware of my internal battle,
unaware that there they are rivals,
tearing up the battlefield of my heart
until it's in shreds
and I don't know which pieces
belong to who anymore.
To choose between the two
is not a simple matter of black and white,
but of all of the colors of the day
against all of the colors of the night.
How do you choose between sun and moon?

Like the sun,
he is a creature of light -
light hair, tanned skin,
eyes the blue of a cloudless sky.
And he, too, is made of fire,
a fire that rushes through his veins -
you can feel it in his hands,
on his lips,
see it in his eyes.
And he, too, burns,
with an intensity
that is irresistible,
but never remains focused for long.
Eventually the fire burns out,
leaving you cold.

But the moon...
the moon won't burn,
for it is pure rock -
solid, dependeble, strong.
Like him.
And he is not the raging fire of the sun,
but rather the comforting glow of moonlight,
in which other lights have room to shine.
And like the moon,
he is a creature of the night -
dark hair, pale skin,
dark eyes full of stars.
And he, too, can't offer fire or warmth,
but only a steadiness like the tides
and the comfort of the darkness.

So, heart, sun or moon?
Raging fire or solid rock?

Neither one is the right choice, or course -
I need both.
Neither sun or moon is enough.
I need my shining star -
fire and light, stone and night,
all in one,
shooting into my life like a meteor
and carrying me off,
back to the heavens.

But shooting stars don't come around every day.
So I shall return to the battle, for now -
though I still can't decide who will win,
sun or moon,
I can at least stand on the sideline
and keep watch on the starry sky.


Posted on 09/20/2002
Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb

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