
That Sea of Fish

by Amanda J Cobb

Oh, the frustration,
entering the chaos of dating
after so long an absence.
They say that there
are other fish in the sea,
but how to lure them?
So long out of the game,
you're left with either all of the confidence
and none of the know-how,
or all of the know-how
and an absolute lack of confidence.
And out of so many fish,
how do you pick the next one?
Or do you pick at all?
Do you wait until they've bitten
to decide whether to keep them
or throw them back?
The only standing qualification
is that they aren't the one you just left.
Most of all,
if you take the risk,
and bait the hook with your heart,
you want some guarantee
that a fish will bite.
But how to tell if they're interested
in being hooked at all?
Was that smile more
than just a friendly gesture?
Does he look at everyone that way?
Was it really just an accident
when he brushed up against you?
As much as we'd like some answers
before we try our luck,
fishing is not a spectator sport -
it's all or nothing.
You can't win if you don't play.
And you won't ever catch a worthy fish
without first casting your heart
out on a line.


Posted on 09/20/2002
Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb

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