The Beast by Amanda J CobbTherein lies the beast, he said, pointing to her heart. True for him, he saw a form all mangled, scarred, and dark. Eyes around him met and shrugged, a beast not what they saw. The accused was, instead, a girl - slim and brown and tall. The girl was known to most of them, and the story, they knew well: A love faded to friendship, then suddenly gone to hell. For a month the friendship lasted, relations still intact, but for some unknown reason, he suddenly turned his back. Now he swears up and down and all across the state that this girl is an evil witch and deserving of their hate. And he believes in his delusions, cutting her at every turn. His friend tries to dissuade him, for he is also friends with her. But it seems that all he really sees is the 'blackness' of her heart, oblivious to the fact that he is tearing his friend apart. Poor boy, he doesn't know that things seen by the eyes are sometimes nothing more than reflections of what's inside. 08/18/2001 Posted on 09/20/2002 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb