Luyelila by Amanda J CobbIn the quiet of the night, beneath the starry sky, she sings to him, serenading the memory of his soul. She sits among the willow trees and weaves enchantment by moonlight with bittersweet melodies of grief and lost love. The clouds clear away and the rustling willows hush - her song demands silence, the better for him to hear. And in that still air, her voice travels across the world, carried by wind and starlight, lulling babes to peaceful sleep and grown men to thoughts of home. Those who hear her haunting song think themselves bewitched by moonlight... only to find others humming her tune come the misty dawn and hence know it not a dream. And so they speak of the mysterious maiden who sings to the stars songs of sorrow to her love no longer of the mortal world, begging him to return. Some call her a goddess, some call her a witch; but all call her Luyelila, she who sings by night. 09/10/2000 Author's Note: As a side note, Luyelila is the name of my alter-ego.
Posted on 09/22/2001 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Max Bouillet on 07/08/03 at 06:12 PM "lulling babes to peaceful sleep
and grown men to thoughts of home. " This is one of the most comforting lines I've ever read. Great poem. BB.