Graduation by Amanda J CobbTogether one last time, one last summer, before being scattered to all corners of the world. One last chance to do all those things you've wanted to with the classmates that have become more like family than friends. One last fling with that high school sweetheart, one last chance to party with all of your best friends. One more reason to cry, one more reason to smile. One more milestone passed, one more photo-album finished. One last laugh at the jokes, one last gripe at the teachers. One last emptied locker, one last time in those halls. Off to college, off to work, off to start a family. Finally out of this city, but out of each other's lives. One last time being known as the most popular kid or the biggest nerd because it's one time that the world won't care what you used to be.
It's one more time where the end is only the beginning. 05/30/2000 Posted on 09/22/2001 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb