Go Forth by Amanda J CobbGo west, bold one, go west;
Through the valleys and the plains, See the free land at its best. Over mountains, over wood See the great sea n'er at rest.
Go east, old one, go east;
Past the coast and past the waves Too late to tame the beast. Return to land from whence you came, Return to kings' great feasts.
Go north, young man, go north;
Brave the glaciers and the snow, Turn back not, go forth. Until you chance the wilderness, You will not know your worth.
Go south, young miss, go south;
The land is warm and mild, There at the river's mouth. A gentle blossom such as you Can safely bloom down south.
Whatever your disposition, This advice I must unravel: A life is only half-alive if kept devoid of travel. So whenever you feel a stirring to see lands far afield, open your eyes and move your feet - a bigger world will be revealed.02/10/2000 Posted on 09/22/2001 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb