A Thunderstorm by Amanda J CobbThe raindrops fall against the windows like the sound of little children running barefoot down the hall. Then a rumbling, first in the distance, growing closer until lightning crashes overhead and it's almost like the heavens are being torn apart, sure to come tumbling down at any moment. And the house, so quiet for once, a drastic contrast to the angry storm outside. The house will surely be blown away by the howling winds and driving rain. But then the raging clouds are blown across the sky by the same winds that seemed so hostile before. The rain turns from a torrent back into running feet. Then even the feet stop and all is quiet. The only clouds are white and few while the sun shines down through a sky that was all darkness just a few moments ago. 01/01/2001 Author's Note: revised 2001
Posted on 09/20/2002 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb