A Questioning Mind by Amanda J CobbWhy is it that the best ideas are the ones most easily forgotten, and the most important details the ones always overlooked?
Why is it that the most impossible dreams are the ones we want the most and the easiest course never leads anywhere good?
Why do you always have too much to do with no time to do it, yet when you do find spare time you can find nothing to do?
Why does nothing rhyme with orange?
Why this separation of races when we all end the same, formless? Why wars over pieces of land that are made of the same planet and same air?
Why do we pay actors for their pretense more than teachers get for giving knowledge? Why give wealth to those who already have it when there are homeless and hungry all around?
Why the insistence on appearance when all fades to dust with time? Why the quest for possessions that amount to nothing in the next life?
Why is true love so hard to find?
Why is it always cold in winter, even if the sun is shining brightly? Why can birds and insects still fly when it's pouring down rain?
Why is it that society can be both good and evil at the same time? In a place of freedom, why is individualism punished?
Why do stickers and bubbles never fail to bring laughter? Why do you still haunt me even though you're gone?
Why can't anything be simple anymore? 01/01/2001 Author's Note: written 4 years ago, revised 2001
Posted on 09/20/2002 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb