Angel by Matt ForgetThe angel comes upon a darkness
Notices a gril sad and glum
With almost no way of change
The angel, with all it's might
Begins to fight the darkness
There is no luck
The angel tries harder and harder
And yet, still no over-powering
The darkness becomes stronger
Then angel is about to give up
It then realizes that angels never give up
Quickly, the angel had a plan
It bypassed the darkness
And went right to the heart
With only a few short words
The girl began to smile
The angel appears again to see that
The darkness was diminishing
The girl started to giggle
And by now the darkness was gone
"Anything that comes from the heart"
The angel said with a smile,
"Can fight anything." 09/21/2001 Posted on 09/21/2001 Copyright © 2025 Matt Forget