my life in a room
by Angela HanskaAs I sit here, I realize that my life is in this room.
Pictures of friends and family
-some I probably wont recognize in years to come
stuffed animals from friends
-some bought at a store as a last minute thought others made with love and care
posters of past heart throbs
-from when I was a teen, young and impressionable
model horses
-handed down from mother to daughter
sisters creations
-that I hold so dear, for one day she will no longer be little
-my obsession that everyone know to buy for gifts
-paper and metal from past loves and crushes as well as current
Archie comics
-fun to read from youth to old age
-that has followed me across the ocean and back
boxes of memorabilia
-for there is no room on the shelf
All this and more, my lifes possessions, for every physical item has emotional attachment.
My life in a room