City: Rochester Hills
State: Michigan
Country: Usa
Member Since: December 2010
Last Login: 02/03/2013
"...wipe the sleep from your eyes
and embrace the light.
You have slept now
for a thousand years
beneath starless nights." --Ullyses - Dead Can Dance, a passage in time
Austin Rowe is the pseudonym for a guy named Wayne. When he first read Shakespeare's "Sonnets", and Elizabeth Barret Brownings works in "Sonnets From The Portuguese" he was thunderstruck to say the very least. From that point on his opinion had settled that the sonnet-form is, for him, the ultimate form of poetry.
Austin is a member of Sessions of Sweet Silent Thought. The following icons will enable you to enter different areas of this poet's library. Click on the appropriate icon to enter the area of your choice.