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The Library of Felicia Aguilar

Not always milk & honey
Poems about poets, poetry, words, and writing.
Title Date Created Date Posted
  At the poetry reading - Explicit 03/19/2006 04/12/2010
  Baring my soul, though it goes unnoticed... - Explicit 06/14/2005 09/08/2002
  Muse to muse 08/18/2005 08/22/2002
  Old Man Poet 08/5/2005 08/05/2005
  Pollock Painting 07/13/2005 07/13/2005
  Soul Captive 06/23/2005 06/24/2002
  Symmetry 05/13/2005 05/11/2005
  Tea Parties with Ghosts 06/24/2005 06/23/2005
  The Book of You - Explicit 08/18/2005 08/18/2005
  The Secret History of Tears - Explicit 05/18/2005 04/27/2005
  They Come Out At Night - Explicit 06/23/2005 01/18/2003
  To a Poet 08/17/2005 06/18/2002
  We 08/1/2005 08/01/2005
  Wicked Woman 07/31/2011 07/31/2011
Displaying Rows 1 - 14 of 14

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