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The Journal of John Harder

I will find a centre in you.
08/11/2014 07:27 a.m.
This evening I spent several hours editing and proofreading my poems. When I first started posting my work here, I thought it was a good idea to use poor punctuation, and rarely capitalize words. I was 15 and thought I was making a statement, but it is lost on me now. Who knows why 15 year old kids do anything? Anyway, I ended up tweaking a lot of my old stuff in the process, and came across some misspells along the way. I routinely read my own work, to get a feel of who I used to be, yet these mistakes had gone unnoticed for many years. I think I read them without really looking. I've come to realize that anyone reading something I wrote all those years ago might come to think of me as damaged, but this really isn't the case. My younger self had a tendency to exaggerate his problems, which is something I think most young people do to some extent. I owe a lot to poetry, and the outlet has helped me become the introspective individual I am today. However, being of sound mind and a generally happy person, I find writing poetry to be more challenging now. Perhaps this is why I've been posting older work lately. I may need to take a lesson from my younger self and channel emotions that don't exist, in order to be more creative.
I am currently Peaceful
I am listening to "Sober" by Tool(In my head)

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by Felicia Aguilar on 08/14/14 at 02:09 AM

Funny that I read this, as I myself am sifting through old poetry and editing them. I always wonder if I even should edit them. Some are truly hideous, yet some shine too. Poetry has been my savior, at times. I sometimes wish I could write the way I did back when I was a teen, no holds barred.

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