
The Journal of Richard Davis

Poetry Reading
08/06/2011 02:23 p.m.
This year, after writing poetry for many years, I finally gave my first public reading at a local church coffeehouse and got such a good response I regretted that I took so long to do it. Writing poetry can take long lonely hours of isolation even though it is a labor of love for me and it's great to get positive feedback from others who enjoy and appreciate your work. My advice to all poets young and old who haven't yet read their poetry in public is to do so as soon as possible. I'm sure that when you do you'll find out like I did that the feedback you receive will make all your hard work seem worthwhile.
I am currently Creative

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by George Hoerner on 06/03/16 at 10:25 PM

I have read in public off and on now for the past 10 or so years. And you are certainly right about the feed back. Congratulations on POTD on this Thursday June 4th.

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